Hydrangea aspera ‘Royal Flush’

Hydrangea aspera ‘Royal Flush’


Mikinori Ogisu’s collection of a red leaf aspera in the wild (can you imagine the luck?!) has added color to the species existing, manifold charms of elegant flower, sumptuous foliage, and sinuous, exfoliating stems. As ever and elsewhere, we’ve been at play with it from seed and have grown out many hundreds over multiple generations and crosses. Abecedarian wise, this the is the first of our red foliage plants to be named, and though perhaps similar to ‘Hot Chocolate’ and ‘Burgundy Bliss’/‘Plum Passion’, (certainly as compared to other, decidedly distinctive red foliage ones we are and/or will be introducing), we think this has advantages in increased hardiness (usual references are wrong about this species anyway) and better flowers-- it’s always about the sepals, and these are more numerous and deeply pigmented. Quart pots.

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